Basic Furniture Refinishing Class
Waterbased Non-Toxic Finishes only
•Specialized Finishes provides a classroom setting for an intimate group of people who want to experience the satisfaction of repainting or refinishing their own piece of furniture, cabinet or heirloom.
•With 30 years of painting and finishing everything allowed, I developed a love and enthusiasm for the entire process. This love has given me vision of painting and finishing that has provided me much joy. The “WOW” factor is why I chose this profession. I also enjoy the opportunities I have had to teach others along the way.
•We will show you eye opening techniques that will empower you to tackle your own personal painting and or restoration project with poise and ease. You will learn how to use tools, tape, sandpaper, and use brushes, along with the application of the final coating. Perhaps you will learn enough to paint your own home entirely if you so choose.
•Bring your own project piece to our classroom and we will show you step by step how to feel like a professional as you learn. Chairs, small tables, cabinet doors (for those wishing to resurface their own cabinets), or even a statue. Anything you want to carry and are willing to do without during the class. You can bring just a drawer to your dresser and you can do the rest at home.
•Attending our four-week class will allow most projects enough time for completion. We will provide you with all necessary tools, personal protective equipment, and sundries, i.e. Tape, sand paper, primers, fillers, and clear finishes. During your first class we will pick a color if you wish to paint or stain, and you will purchase the desired product before the next class. If there is more work to be done outside of the class scheduled, to be current with the curriculum of the next class, you may work during our Shop Hours or you may take it home to complete the current task. One hour of sanding will take you a long way if persisted and preformed properly. It is not as daunting as you might think.
•You will finish our class with pride and confidence, you will learn how to be meticulous yet efficient, you will be able to produce quality finishes for yourself and loved ones for years to come.
Thank you,
Shawn Turner
Specialized Finishes

Course Outline
Specialized Finishes
Do-It-Yourself Basic Furniture Refinishing Course
Class 1 of 4
Personal Safety, Tool use, and Cleaning of substrate
∙Personal Safety:
Personal protective equipment
Hand Protection
Respiratory protection
Eye Protection
Entire body protection if needed
Partner protection
Workspace organization (Trip hazards, Head bashers, Eye pokers, Shin whackers)
∙Tool use and more safety:
Putty knives
Screw drivers
Razor knives
Nail set
Hand Masker
∙Maintaining Cleanliness:
Soap and water
Dust brush
Determine required method for proper cleaning
Dirt, oxidization, organic matter?
Soap and water
Lacquer thinner
Denatured alcohol
Determine tools used for cleaning
Cotton Rag
Cellulose Sponge
Scotch-Brite pad of various abrasive levels
Scrub brush
Clean project
Allow to dry to promote proper sanding
Discuss thoughts on desired finishes
∙End of Class 1 of 4
Specialized Finishes
Do-It-Yourself Basic Furniture Refinishing Course
Class 2 of 4
New finish selection, tape 101, sandpaper 101, priming/sealing,
touch-ups, fillers, and joint sealants
∙New finish selection
Determine the best durable finish with minimal amount of work for each individual participant.
Color selection
Determine process to achieve desired finish
∙Tape selection and uses
∙Tape Application
Demonstrate how to pull tape from the roll without bending it
Demonstrate how to ensure edges are properly pressed to ensure no bleed through
∙Sand-paper selection and uses
Emery cloth
Steel wool
∙How to cut and fold sandpaper
Display reason for trifold
Paper manipulation for rounds and scrolling
Specialized Finishes
Do-It-Yourself Basic Furniture Refinishing Course
Class 2 of 4 (Cont.)
New finish selection, tape 101, sandpaper 101, priming/sealing, touch-ups, fillers, and joint sealants
∙Discuss desired finish possibilities
∙Direction to sand
Sand with wood grain, or in the direction to be painted
Sand from bottom to top eliminating the need to continuously remove dust
Do not sand in the pile of dust left behind
Sanding dirt left behind will result in bad scratches
∙How to position the body and hands while sanding
Tai Chi type movements with flow
Understanding the different methods of sanding
Wood Blocks
Foam Blocks
Using fingers for bracing guides while sanding
∙Priming/sealing necessary areas
Selection of primer or sealer to promote proper adhesion of finish product
Lightly sand and remove dust where primed/sealed
Spot priming ensuring sanding of lap after drying
∙Staining touch-up
Instruct on ways to develop stain touch-ups, purchase or self-manufacture
∙Fillers and Joint sealants
Caulking technique, cutting tube, tape caulk, free hand, fingering/tooling
Discuss proper fillers vinyl, silicate, putty
Discus proper joint sealants urethane, siliconized latex, (Alex Plus vs. Big Stretch)
Understanding more of the preparation process.
∙End of class 2 of 4
Specialized Finishes
Do-It-Yourself Basic Furniture Refinishing Course
Class 3 of 4 (Cont.)
Paint Brush Choice, Paint Brush Priming, Transferring Finish Material,
Finish Material Preparation, Environmental Condition, Paint Brush Handling Technique,
Finish Coating Application, Paint Brush Cleaning
∙Paint brush choice
Latex product
Acrylic product
Clear finish
Solid body finish
Clear and solid body use same brush
∙Paint brush priming
Mineral spirits
∙Transferring finish coating
Thoroughly mix material in retail container
Properly transfer finish material into a working bucket
Cone strainer
Bag Strainer
∙Environmental conditions
∙Finish coating preparation STIR ONLY DO NOT SHAKE
∙Paint brush handling techniques
Approaching the subject
Visualize the path
Work in to out
Demonstrate the job of the bristle ends
Demonstrate mechanical yet fluid movements
∙Applying finish coating to the brush
Determine how much is needed on the brush for the immediate stroke
Demonstrate how to work the material to the edges to cut in
Demonstrate how to paint the field maintaining a wet edge
Demonstrate how to minimalize brush marks
∙Allow to dry
First coat of finish coating completed
∙End of Class 3 of 4
Specialized Finishes
Do-It-Yourself Basic Furniture Refinishing Course
Class 4 of 4
Prepare surface to apply second coat of finish, prepare finish coating,
apply second coat of finish, summarize everything learned
∙Prepare surface to apply second coat of finish
Remove all dust
Ensure there are no greasy hand marks etc.
Light soapy water if needed
Allow to dry, Hair dryer
Scuff sand with a worn fine or very-fine 3M sanding sponge or pad
Remove dust
Dust brush
∙Prepare finish coating as in class 3
∙Apply second coat of finish as in class 3
∙Allow to dry
∙Discuss everything learned in class outline
∙it is recommended that the piece stay overnight to allow dry before transport. In some cases, pieces may be moved within an hour or so. We will schedule a convenient pick up time if necessary.
Completion of project
∙End of class 4 of 4
Class Schedule
Dec 11 - Dec 17